Check out the 2024 LiONS LAIR Finalists!


ConSoul follows a human-centered approach to help those caring for people with chronic, terminal or elderly illnesses to plan for what’s next, connect with family and friends, and narrate their journey.

Deaf AI

Deaf AI introduces cutting-edge technology that revolutionizes the accessibility of public transportation for Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities.


Created by women for women, DOUBL Manufacturing Ltd. is a retail start-up that reimagines the way we wear and shop for the fundamentals of our wardrobes.

HARvEST Systems Inc.

Harvest System’s technology harvests and recycles waste heat in order to reduce operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective and scalable way.


Healthyher.Life is Canada’s first hormonal health navigator platform for our member community of women and diverse individuals to provide access to trusted, reliable health solutions in order to better manage a chronic hormonal health condition like Endometriosis, Menopause, PCOS, and others.

Infinite Harvest Technologies Inc.

Infinite Harvest is a CleanTech solution for the AgriFoods industry, using insects for bio-digestion of organic waste, then as ingredients for petfood and animal feed. 

Leynek Medical

Leynek Medical is designing, developing, and commercializing hardware and software that will improve the Quality of Life for patients managing cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Maman Biomedical

Maman Biomedical is addressing the invasiveness associated with fertility treatment as it exists today, starting with the development of innovative indications to eliminate the burden of injections during treatment.


Neuropeutics is a pharmaceutical company developing targeted therapies, to extend neurodegenerative disease patients’ survival and improve their quality of life.

Yellowbird Diagnostics

Yellowbird Diagnostics Inc. specializes in biomedical imaging solutions across commonly used clinical imaging techniques.