Check out the 2023 LiONS LAIR Finalists!

Bug Mars makes sustainable alternative protein more affordable and accessible, for people and livestock.

Steadiwear has successfully commercialized the Steadi-Two – our battery-free glove designed the reduce hand tremors.

Sekond Skin Society is a health and fitness app designed around accessibility and inclusivity.

Visiontif aims to enrich and provide freedom of movement to the visually impaired and blind community, leading the way to the future of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to apply to computer vision reaching the visually impaired community worldwide.

AWAKE is re-inventing the death sector with The Living Cemetery—a sustainable, scaleable resting place combining consumer priorities with world-leading biochemistry so you can leave the earth, better.

Noa Therapeutics is a preclinical biotech company leveraging a systems biology approach to accelerate design of tailored multimodal therapeutics for complex inflammatory diseases.

A.I. VALI is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) medical device company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to accurately detect the early stages of diseases such as cancer and to improve patients’ quality of life and cost per patient.

Mintier, the first ever serum for your mouth. Mintier is made with all natural ingredients to ensure you have long-lasting fresh breath to be your most confident self.

BLUMEx is an AI-as-a-Service [AIasS] start-up that helps podcasters scale their post-production.

Pocket Clinic provides personalized therapy for patients with chronic conditions, aiming to help more than 10% of half a billion type 1 and type 2 insulin-dependent diabetics by introducing an integrated pain-free smart injector to keep their blood glucose in the normal range.